Make a Gift

Make a Gift

Why We Need Your Help:

Missing Children Minnesota is a non-profit agency: We don’t charge a fee for any of the case management services that we offer to the public.

Since 1983, Missing Children Minnesota has helped more than 3000 children return home to their families. We are able to provide these services because of the dedication and generosity of our donors.

We need your help!

Your donations and financial support allow us to continue to offer these critical services.

Here are a few examples of what your donation helps us provide:

  • $5.00 prints 100 copies of a missing ’s poster.
  • $20.00 provides three hours of case management for the family of a missing child.
  • $50.00 provides 40 copies of Run, Yell & Tell! for preschoolers from low-income families.
  • $100.00 gives 1000 families a copy of our Child ID Kit or Internet Safety brochures.

Please contact Missing Children Minnesota at (612) 334-9449 for more information. Missing Children Minnesota meets all criteria of the Minnesota Charities Review Council.

MCM’s Wish List

  • Digital camera
  • New computers – Pentium III or better quality
  • High quality copy paper
  • Gift cards to office supply stores – we always need ink cartridges!
  • DVD player
  • Projection equipment – please call before donating
  • Office Space – our lease is up in 2005!  If you would like to commit to donating office space for 5 years or more, please call MCM!

Ford Centre, Suite 570, 420 North 5th St. • Minneapolis, MN 55401
(612) 334-9449, Toll Free 1-888-RUN-YELL (888) 786-9355